They call us synchronous 

Definition: existing or occurring at the same time 

Pixelated classmates exist intangibly— 

present yet muted. 

Some wear emptiness  

square barriers, dark pits 

Hiding faces never to be known 

No coffee or drinks or oh my god cute shoes 

No sorry, I have a boyfriend.

Women’s Lit professor would scoff,

“Sick male gaze nostalgia”

but she is built of thousands of multicolored dots  

like the rest of them. Does she carry the same weight 

as flesh and blood? I want to 

turn to the girl beside me and ask  

if I have lipstick on my teeth. I want her  

to offer me a ride in her car and 

see if she leaves trash on the passenger floor. I want 

her to give me her number. Not to text, 

but to treasure.  A trophy, archived in contacts. 

Proof of contact. Evidence of being noticed.  

Nobody notices a two-inch square 

Nobody hears a muted voice  

Synchronized swimming, synchronized dance 

Synchronous isolation.




Neurons aching, not sure why

news and hate

trauma stinging like bile.

Or the hope

that punches and kicks and tears at your skin and your throat until you can barely


heart flutters, adrenaline takes flight

and a vulture dives toward your gut

pain as it feasts and breath comes again

the backs of your eyes throb

watery anticipation, drowning thoughts


but numbness is coated, scratching, evil

alive and until you learn to grow up

you don’t know how to make it stop.

Apple in your throat aches

Dying, rotting

so you won’t be able to find your way

out of this all-consuming hole.

No words, just nothing.

Imprisoned in limbo,

moments fleet in sepia

fading too soon to be noticed.





No loneliness greater

a neglected mother and her perfect child.

Chest aching, chubby fingers and toes kissed,

Jealousy stings the soles

The palms of the hand ache for maternal surrender.

Immature soul, hungry for guidance

fed with responsibility

Growth in the womb banishes insignificance

And suddenly, in one push, push,


You are the whole world.

Ungrounded emotions taut with expectation

Hyper aware of the liability of life—

Who is the first cardinal of pain,

if not the progenitor herself?

Power to build love or destroy

and empty that nobody cared to do the same for you.

Tiny buoyant laughter, salt on desolate wound

Love now eternal,

and the chance to revise outcome—

Strangling, grasping at sanguine.

One un-kissed foot in front of the other

Tortured, enduring, devoted

To future

Peaceful, serene. 


The Ballad of the Vivid Four

